I’d like to say a few things about my new 2025 Bluebird propane powered bus that I just received on the first day back from Christmas break.

I like it. I went from and All American flat nose pusher diesel model to this smaller puller model. I’m not sure if it’s called anything other than standard or something like that. I know what I mean, and hope anyone else who possibly sees this can figure it out. It’s not too important to understand the difference except to note that my new bus is smaller than the the previous one. It also drives differently. I really like the way the new bus handles. The suspension is stiffer, which is a little disappointing, but it’s nothing to complain about in my opinion. You feel the bumps just a bit more than the old one. On the other hand the seat seems to be more comfortable and able to absorb a little of the road feel.

The children don’t like it as much, but they don’t have to spend anywhere near as much time riding it as your humble servant must endure. It’s going to take some getting used to for all of us. I am sure that by next week the novelty will have worn off and it will be back to business as usual.

After my very first trip in it yesterday I noticed something interesting. So, I’m kind of a nerd I guess. I enjoy interesting patterns I find in the world, may of which are number related. When the clock would switch over to 11:11 or something like that it would frequently warrant a comment in my family. Naturally there al sorts of other types of patterns and things I find interesting. If you for some reason follow my blog or my photographic work at all you will notice my fascination with patterns. But what I have here is a serendipitous number pattern I wasn’t trying to manufacture or even look for. I simply noticed it when I did my pre trip inspection coming back to do the afternoon routes. It didn’t even occur to me when I logged it for my post trip inspection after the morning route. Sometimes a deeper consciousness leads to deeper appreciation.

123.4 miles on my new school bus odometer
123.4 miles on my new school bus odometer

This photo, as is the gallery below, is taken with my iPhone X. It’s not the highest quality as far as resolution is concerned, or effort to get a perfect shot. Please don’t think ill of my skill based on these quick phone pix.